The group is led by its members, who can suggest topics they are interested in exploring. We operate on a very informal basis, with no question too simple to ask. All u3a members with a basic computing knowledge are welcome. The main focus for the group is initially Windows based computers. Generally, each meeting begins with a presentation on a particular topic. There is then a break for tea and coffee, followed by a discussion around the topic. Next is the opportunity to bring forward any issues you’d like us to unwrap at the next meeting.
Meetings are held in the back room of Southwell Library between 2pm and 4pm every 4th Tuesday (except December and August). Mike Pye and Tony Mellor are joint leaders of the group. A small charge is made to cover the cost of the meeting room hire, plus tea and coffee.
If you are interested in joining the group please contact Mike Pye at [email protected]
For On-Line and other computer-related help: A Computer Users' Guide, available to all u3a members in or outside group membership, is here.
Think you might be interested in joining this group?
1. If you are not already a member of Southwell u3a but are interested in finding out more about the Computer Help Group and/or would like to attend one of the group meetings please click on this Contact us link. We will then arrange for the Group Leader to get in touch with you as soon as possible.
2. If you are already a member of Southwell u3a and are interested in joining the Computer Help Group you can contact the Group Leader directly, his email address is given above.