One of our u3a major activities is our monthly meeting: This is usually attended by around 200 of us, giving a chance to socialise, catch up on what is going on, and enjoy an hour or so with a guest speaker/entertainer or other attraction! It gives an opportunity to renew membership, welcome prospective members, meet many of our committee and group leaders and more:
We meet on the first Tuesday of each month at Southwell Leisure Centre, doors opening at 9.30 for a 10am short business section, followed by a speaker to around 11.30am.
There is normally a membership table, in case you wish to join, have any renewal or other queries, and so that you can pay your subscription when due.
We provide refreshments at the interval, and recommend you bring your own mug to avoid waste.
Please enter by the fire-doors next to the all-weather pitch, not via the main leisure centre entrance.
There is normally an "Interest Groups" table in case you want to learn more about any of these, need to update your own group's details with our Groups Coordinator, or are interested in forming a new group.
New members are very welcome, so do bring along any non-member friends or partners for a free taster session.
If you are not yet a member, you are welcome to visit and try us out - please explain to our "Welcomers" that you are doing this and they will support! Prospective members may attend two such meetings as a visitor.
See here for our Covid Precautions, which remain under review "just in case"
Monthly Meeting Speakers for 2024
January 9 Kim Kettle Cheesemaking at Long Clawson Dairy February 6 Marcus Farnsworth How to make a musical festival March 5 Ann Hilton A charity that trains dogs to recognise disease in human beings April 2 Geoffrey Bond Lord Byron May 7 Martin Gorman Bromley House library June 4 Roger Browne History of jazz piano and its influence on popular music July 2 Alan Haydock Confessions of a country vicar August 6 Peter Slater Do you know who I am? (Former BBC sports reporter) September 3 David Skillen A few appropriate remarks - Lincoln at Gettyburg October 1 Paul Lillie An impression of Elvis Presley November 5 Paula Cornwall The flying housewife December 3 Christmas Party
If you like the Monthly Meeting opportunity for social interaction, why not come along to a friendly Coffee morning at Southwell Garden Centre on the Fiskerton Road? No need to book, just turn up from 10am on any of the dates listed in "Newsline" or on our home page
Want to see what our Groups get up to? Read our public 'Newsline' Newsletterhere
Why not take a look at the range of groups we have at the link here.