Minutes for the 8th Annual General Meeting Held in the
Southwell Leisure Centre
At 10 am on 6th August 2013
1. Apologies
2. Chairman’s Opening Remarks
The Chairman welcomed the members to the meeting, mentioning the necessity of 20% membership in attendance, which appeared to be the case.
3. Minutes of the AGM held on 7th August 2012.
The Minutes of the meeting held last year had been displayed on the Southwell U3A Website for a full year, and the Chairman asked for proposals that these were a true record. There being no questions from the floor, these were accepted unanimously and signed as a true record. Proposed by Mary Somerville and seconded by Lynn Elliott-Wallace.
4. To Receive and Adopt the Annual Report.
The Chairman gave a summary of the Annual Report to the members. He stated that as from the date of the AGM last year, both he and the Treasurer were new to the posts and that in general, the time had been one of consolidation. Membership had risen from 580 to 630. The number of Groups on offer had risen to over 80 incorporating approximately 62 Group Leaders, who are to be congratulated on their hard work over the year.
The questionnaire that had been circulated during the year had been a success. All comments were recorded and circulated to the Committee and proved most useful in the running of the organisation.
The number of trips has been slowly increasing, and there is still more planned for the remainder of the year.
Newsline continues to be an important part of the organisation.
He said he would like to thank our Speaker Seeker, Jackie Pitcher, and all those members who help in many ways at the Monthly meeting. Howard Goddard our Treasurer has been supported by Sue Baines, and, more recently by John Elkington, with the Groups and Trips accounts.
He said that the committee had been very supportive and helpful at all times and he would like to thank them for their support. Two members will be standing down this year, Celia Dunkley and Roger Bennett and we thank them for all their hard work in the past. Mary Perry was co-opted earlier in the year to take over Groups. He then said that the full Annual Report would be found on the Website in due course, and he asked the members to Adopt the Report. This was proposed by Ida Mills and seconded by Joan Ware. The report was unanimously accepted by the members.
5. To Receive and Adopt the Statement of Accounts for 2012
The Treasurer then gave a brief summary of the Statement of accounts, which had been circulated in Newsline, as follows.
There being no further points, the adoption of the Statement of Accounts, proposed by Geoffrey Harrington, and seconded by Nannette Ball, was accepted unanimously by the members present.
6. To adopt an independent examiner of accounts
The Chairman stated that the above accepted accounts had been independently audited by Graham Ball and he asked for proposals. Vicky Umbers proposed the motion and was seconded by Heather Johnston and the proposals were unanimously accepted by the members.
7. To Elect the Officers and Committee of the Association
The nominees for the officers and committee had been published in Newsline for the member’s information and the Chairman asked for proposers. Catherine Skelton proposed the motion which was seconded by Bob Stretch and the members voted unanimously to appoint the Officers and Committee.
The available elected officers and committee members were then introduced individually.
8. Vote of Thanks for Retiring Members.
The Chairman then proposed a vote of thanks to the retiring committee members, Roger Bennett and Celia Dunkley. Roger Bennett was not present, but Celia Dunkley did address the meeting, saying that she had very much enjoyed being Group Co-ordinator, which received an enthusiastic response from the floor.
The meeting closed at approximately 10.30 am.
Southwell Leisure Centre
At 10 am on 6th August 2013
1. Apologies
2. Chairman’s Opening Remarks
The Chairman welcomed the members to the meeting, mentioning the necessity of 20% membership in attendance, which appeared to be the case.
3. Minutes of the AGM held on 7th August 2012.
The Minutes of the meeting held last year had been displayed on the Southwell U3A Website for a full year, and the Chairman asked for proposals that these were a true record. There being no questions from the floor, these were accepted unanimously and signed as a true record. Proposed by Mary Somerville and seconded by Lynn Elliott-Wallace.
4. To Receive and Adopt the Annual Report.
The Chairman gave a summary of the Annual Report to the members. He stated that as from the date of the AGM last year, both he and the Treasurer were new to the posts and that in general, the time had been one of consolidation. Membership had risen from 580 to 630. The number of Groups on offer had risen to over 80 incorporating approximately 62 Group Leaders, who are to be congratulated on their hard work over the year.
The questionnaire that had been circulated during the year had been a success. All comments were recorded and circulated to the Committee and proved most useful in the running of the organisation.
The number of trips has been slowly increasing, and there is still more planned for the remainder of the year.
Newsline continues to be an important part of the organisation.
He said he would like to thank our Speaker Seeker, Jackie Pitcher, and all those members who help in many ways at the Monthly meeting. Howard Goddard our Treasurer has been supported by Sue Baines, and, more recently by John Elkington, with the Groups and Trips accounts.
He said that the committee had been very supportive and helpful at all times and he would like to thank them for their support. Two members will be standing down this year, Celia Dunkley and Roger Bennett and we thank them for all their hard work in the past. Mary Perry was co-opted earlier in the year to take over Groups. He then said that the full Annual Report would be found on the Website in due course, and he asked the members to Adopt the Report. This was proposed by Ida Mills and seconded by Joan Ware. The report was unanimously accepted by the members.
5. To Receive and Adopt the Statement of Accounts for 2012
The Treasurer then gave a brief summary of the Statement of accounts, which had been circulated in Newsline, as follows.
- The accounts relate to the financial year 2012/13, i.e. the year ending on 5th April 2013
- The accounts show a surplus of £1,793.51, but if transactions on social trips and groups are excluded this reduces to £536.37.
- The surplus is less than the equivalent amount for the previous year but this is largely due to two factors. Some expenditure on room hire charges due in 2011/12 was taken in 2012/13 due to late receipt of invoices. In addition no affiliation fees were posted in 2011/12, having been paid slightly early and falling into the previous year (2010/11). These "one off" factors were noted at the 2012 AGM, and mentioned in the notes to the 2011/12 accounts. Had they not impacted on the figures then the surplus in the two years would have been broadly similar.
- At the end of the year total reserves amount to £13,039.97, but if the sums belonging to social trips and groups are excluded they total £8,573.67.
- Overall, the U3A finances are in a strong and stable position. The yearend reserves are adequate to cover for fluctuations in cash flow and for unplanned and unforeseen expenditure.
- Membership fees for 2013 are to remain at £20 (full members) and 16.50 (associate members)
There being no further points, the adoption of the Statement of Accounts, proposed by Geoffrey Harrington, and seconded by Nannette Ball, was accepted unanimously by the members present.
6. To adopt an independent examiner of accounts
The Chairman stated that the above accepted accounts had been independently audited by Graham Ball and he asked for proposals. Vicky Umbers proposed the motion and was seconded by Heather Johnston and the proposals were unanimously accepted by the members.
7. To Elect the Officers and Committee of the Association
The nominees for the officers and committee had been published in Newsline for the member’s information and the Chairman asked for proposers. Catherine Skelton proposed the motion which was seconded by Bob Stretch and the members voted unanimously to appoint the Officers and Committee.
The available elected officers and committee members were then introduced individually.
8. Vote of Thanks for Retiring Members.
The Chairman then proposed a vote of thanks to the retiring committee members, Roger Bennett and Celia Dunkley. Roger Bennett was not present, but Celia Dunkley did address the meeting, saying that she had very much enjoyed being Group Co-ordinator, which received an enthusiastic response from the floor.
The meeting closed at approximately 10.30 am.
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