Whether you are new to our website, or an existing u3a member, a very warm welcome to you. We offer:
Latest news:What Southwell u3a is doing, new groups and events: This page also includes non-u3a items including ideas for local visits, appeals and voluntary work.
Several short courses and workshops have just been announced: Details in your September Newsline
Two vacancies in Peak District Walking Group 1
A wide range of "Special Interest Groups" Our groups cover a multitude of interests; there is something for everyone! From art and literature, museum and gallery visits, theatre and concert trips to gardening, photography and walking; from sugarcraft, languages, wine-tasting and drawing to church visiting and cooking.
Opportunities to meet informally (see "Coffee Mornings" below)
A monthly meeting with speaker, 10am on the first Tuesday of each month at Southwell Leisure Centre.
Our monthly newsletter, "Newsline": The full version and back-copies are all available (to members only) in the "Members' Area". If you are not a member you can get a feel for what Newsline looks like here, though names and contact details are omitted: (opens in new tab or window)
NEWS FLASHES - Vacancies in Interest Groups: Peak District Walking Group 1 and Peak District Walking Group 2 each have a couple of vacancies. The groups offers hill and moorland walking in the Derbyshire Peak District. Walks are around ten miles.More Details.
For non-members, a list of interest groups and what each does is in the "Open to All" area: list-of-groups
For members, the full list of interest groups, their leaders and whether they have vacancies is in the Members' Area interest-groups-and-leaders
We now have pages designed to support members wanting "non-U3A" information: Go to the "Quick Links" at the top of this page, or to the "More / Links"menu to find information about local events, volunteering opportunities and more. Contact Webmasterif you have information you would like us to consider sharing via these pages on our site.
Southwell u3a Coffee Mornings 2nd and 4th Thursday in the month 10.30am Southwell Garden Centre – Fiskerton Road. We have a reserved space in the Garden Room
If you’re new to u3a or just want to meet other people and/or find out what else is going on, why not come down, buy a coffee – or whatever is your liking – and chat with other members about what they do in the organisation. No need to book - just turn up, but please wear your su3a membership name badge/lanyard. Contact: [email protected]
For details of some past activities and meetings including pictures from our past Christmas meetings,Click here (and at the small sample below)
Most groups meet "face to face", though a small number continue to meet on Zoom, Whatsapp and by email.
Want to see what our Groups get up to? Read our public 'Newsline' Newsletterhere
Why not take a look at the range of groups we have at the link here.