Whether you are an established u3a member, a new member or a potential member, we hope that you find this website both useful and informative - a very warm welcome to you.
Latest News:
Members' Portal If you need to renew your annual membership, please consider doing so on through the newly created Members' Portal. Not only is this easy and convenient for you, but it also saves on administration time. To go to this page please click here.
Short Courses and Workshops for 2025 The programme of short courses and workshops for 2025 can be viewed by clicking here. Yet more things for you to do with Southwell u3a in the coming year! If you wish to take part in any of the courses and workshops on offer, please get in touch directly with the relevant course or workshop leader/co-ordinator to express your interest. The contact details for each leader/co-ordinator are shown in the programme. There will be no charge to attend these sessions. Although not every session currently has a definite date or venue, please do register your interest asap, as some of the sessions will have limited numbers and will be booked on a ‘first come, first served' basis. The leader/co-ordinator will contact you with further details when dates or venues are confirmed. Brian Platts Groups Co-ordinator
What We Offer:
A monthly meeting with a speaker (or speakers), at 10am on the first Tuesday of each month at Southwell Leisure Centre. For more information click here, for a list of past and future speakers please click here.
A list of current groups that are running, each with a link to its own page describing their activities in more detail along with any requirements plus information on where and when each one is held and how to contact the leaders for more information. Our groups cover a multitude of interests; there is something for everyone, from art and literature, museum and gallery visits, theatre and concert trips to gardening, photography and walking; from languages, wine-tasting and drawing to church visiting and cooking.To view the list please click here.
For members, the groups, their leaders and whether or not they have vacancies is available on a spreadsheet in the Members' Area and can be viewed on the pageinterest-groups-and-leaders.
We also offer several short courses and workshops periodically throughout the year, for more information as it appears, make sure you keep up-to-date by reading the latest edition of Newsline.
For non-members the public versions of Newsline are available by using the links below.
Opportunities to meet informally - see the "Coffee Mornings" page by clicking on the link.
Information on how to join and how to renew your membership.
A range of useful links including information from both countywide and National u3a.
Want to know even more about us? - please click here.
The full version and back-copies of our monthly newsletter, "Newsline" are all available (to members only) in the "Members' Area". If you are not a member you can get a feel for what Newsline looks like here, though names and contact details are omitted:
The Hearty Goodfellow in Southwell has agreed to give a 10% discount on all food (NOT drinks) to Southwell u3a members, lunch or dinner. EACH member must show their own current u3a membership card before ordering to get their INDIVIDUAL discount. Contact the Webmasterif you have information you would like us to consider sharing through our website.
A selection of photos from the Christmas Meeting 2024 provided by the leader of the Photography Group: