Minster in Spring photo above courtesy of our Photography Group
Page updated 28-7-2024-RL
Click here to view the Interest Group Directory Southwell u3a members share their skills and experience in a variety of different ways. Some join just for the monthly meeting, which allows time for social chat, a visiting speaker, plus a short "business" slot. Many enjoy the monthly coffee mornings (details in Newsline Magazine). Our occasional workshops and short courses are popular, as are our concert trips and other social outings and events. Again, Newsline gives information about all of these. Most members enjoy sharing and learning skills by becoming members of our over 75 different "Interest groups". There is no pressure to join any group but, if you do decide to join one, you will be assured of a great welcome and all support you need to get the most out of it. All of the groups are informal and friendly and the social element is very important. Programmes are worked out by mutual agreement amongst the group members. All groups have a named Group Leader, though some groups share the role between several of their members. The time and location of Group Meetings are published here on the website. (Click here for latest timetable update). Prospective new members should contact the Group Leader for further information and to join. Even if a Group is currently full it is important to register your interest so your name can be added to the waiting-list. The venues for group meetings depend on the aims and objectives of the group. The majority of groups meet either in venues within Southwell, or in members’ homes. There is a small charge for most Group Meetings. This may simply cover the cost of tea or coffee and incidental expenses, or, where necessary, the cost of hiring the room. Numbers in groups are necessarily limited by space and other constraints. This means that there may be a waiting list of people wanting to join some groups. When this happens, a new group can be formed if there is someone prepared to lead it. Click here to view the Interest Group Directory |
Lake District Walking
Nightingale -Bird Watching 3
© Southwell U3A Reg'd Charity No. 1132337
Southwell Minster photo courtesy of www.buildingpanoramics.com |