Southwell u3a Hints & Tips for Trippers
Just a few pointers and helpful hints that we hope will answer the questions we are most often asked.
- Please note the date in your diary/kitchen calendar/electronic diary
- Complete the Trip Booking Form – we must have that emergency contact number (you can change it on the day of the trip)
- Cheques to be made payable to Southwell u3a, please note
- Your place is not confirmed until we have received your cheque
- We can hold a provisional place, but you must send a cheque within one week of asking the organiser for a place
- Cheques will not be banked until the trip is confirmed as viable
- So there may be a long delay between you writing cheque and the Organiser banking the cheque
- We cannot take payment in cash
- Note in your diary/cheque counterfoil that you have paid
- Any additional admission charges are to be paid by cheque – please bring your cheque book on the day of the Trip
- Once paid, monies cannot be refunded unless another member can take your place
- All departures are from the Leisure Centre Car Park
- Check in Newsline for departure time
- Emergency contact number for the Organiser on the day of the trip is 07980 540 779. Number also published in Newsline
- On a long journey we will usually stop for a comfort break,
- If you can’t go, please phone the Trip Organiser. Do not arrange your own substitute, this is not fair on those on the waiting-list.
- Members of other u3a groups are welcome on the trips. Non u3a members may be able to join a trip if in the last week there are still places and there is no-one on the waiting list. (NB This does not apply to non u3a members who are carers of u3a members, they should book their place with whomever they are assisting.)
- The Trip organiser will not be phoning everyone on the list – it is up to you to check/note down details about the trip