There are currently 34 u3a branches across Nottinghamshire, including Southwell u3a. Find us on the map at (This is a new address, from March 23, opens in a new window)
Part of our strength derives from our committee members and chairs being able to swap ideas and advice across the Nottinghamshire Network. We are all stronger by working together for county-wide projects and events.
Reciprocal "Niche Membership": Part of our network agreement across the county is to allow an "Interest Group" which is struggling for members within its own branch to offer "Niche Membership" to members in other Nottinghamshire branches without the need for "Associate Membership". This can allow that interest group to continue, via the support of other u3a members from across the county. If you are a group leader with insufficient members, ask Jean (Chair) or Brian (Group Coordinator) for details. Note that associate membership is required if joining a thriving group in another branch.