Updated 20-6-24-RL How do I get in touch with one of the Group Leaders? You will find their contact details on the Group Leaders page in the Members Area.
I've forgotten/I'm a new member and don't know the Password for the 'Members Only' area pages! Just let us know using the 'CONTACT US' page and we will be in touch to explain how to obtain the password, once we have checked to ensure you are a current member of Southwell u3a.
I can't find the page I'm looking for - can you help? The Home Page (along with several others, including this page) now has a 'Search' box at the bottom where you can type in a word and it will try to find pages relating to that word.
I want to contact a Committee Member. Where do I find their contact information? You will find it on the 'CONTACTS' page of the Members Area. If you are a member, you can also find it on the final page of your monthly Newsline.
I want to contact someone who is a u3a Officer but not actually a Committee Member, e.g. the Membership Secretary, Newsline Editor, Groups Treasurer, etc. Where do I find their contact details? You will find it in every month in your copy of Newsline, or on the Newsline page. Monthly Meetings - when & where do they take place? You find all the information you need on the Monthly Meetingspage. There is further information in the monthly Newsline magazine.
Where can I find the list of Speakers at monthly meetings? You will find the list on the Speakers at Monthly Meetings page of Newsline How do I join Southwell u3a? Instructions are given on the How to Join page
My membership subscription - how do I renew it? 1. You can renew using online banking by following the instructions here. 2. You can pay your renewal subscription in cash or by cheque at the monthly meeting.
What insurance cover does my membership subscription provide? This is covered here(opens in a new window)