Two assistant treasurers required. You will find all the details here - 23 Nov 2018
Memory course & First Aid courses
There are still a few places available for the memory course to start in January 2019. If you would like to come along for this interesting exploration of memory and how we can improve it contact me at [email protected] giving an indication of what day of the week you are available for.
The free British Red Cross first aid course was excellent and I would encourage more people, especially group leaders to come to one, it was very common sense giving us all more confidence to tackle situations which can arise in any setting, I am taking names for future courses in the New Year so please be in touch [email protected] Jane Zdanowski 23 Nov 2018
PR & Communications - a new challenge!
Do you have an aptitude for telling a story or interviewing people, maybe for writing articles of interest to U3A members or just that you have close links to the community. If so you may be interested a Communications /PR Team that we want to set up to handle communicating with our Members; getting articles in the local press; staying in touch with the wider community; in touch with other local organisations such as WI, Lions, Probus, the Local Authority; liaison with other U3As etc., encouraging participation in U3A activities and generally being heard.
We want a team of about 5 people to do this! It's an exciting challenge. If you are interested please contact either [email protected] or [email protected]. 23 Nov 2018
New Site Map
A Site Map button has been added at the bottom right hand side of the Home page . Clicking on the button will take you to the Site Map page which names every major page on this website. Clicking on each name will take you directly to that page. (The Site Map does not however contain a list of all the Group pages as these can all be accessed already from the 'List of Groups' page). 19 Nov 2018
A Guide to Ageing Well - has been published in the Members Area - 15 Nov 2018 A new Members area is being developed. So far you will only be able to visit the Portal page- 12 Oct 2018