There are scheduled Canasta groups playing on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday twice a month (apart from July & August) as follows:
Canasta 1: 1st and 3rd Mondays at 1.55pm in arranged member's home. Canasta 2: 2nd and 4th Thursdays at 2.00pm in arranged member's home. Canasta 3: 2nd and 4th Tuesdays at 9.30am in arranged member's home. Canasta 4: 2nd and 4th Monday at 1.55pm in arranged member's home Canasta 5: 2nd and 4th Thursdays at 2.00pm in member's home in Farnsfield: This is a new group and currently has vacancies for beginners and more experienced players.
Canasta is a card game that was very popular in the sixties. These days we play an addictive version known as TREY CANASTA or BOLIVIA PLUS which is in the true spirit of a “learning and challenging U3A” coupled with an accent on “continuous improvement”. Ideally we need 12 or 8 players per session as with canasta to have players “sitting out” is not really practical. Therefore, each group operates a strict apology policy of ‘at least 60 hrs prior’ notice so that the listed “stand-bys” can be contacted to fill in if necessary and are free to do so.
There is a convener\facilitator for each group. Plus, the U3A's National Subject Advisor for Canasta and its derivatives is also involved with the establishment of ‘Canasta’ in Southwell and several adjacent U3A’s.
Think you might be interested in joining one of these groups?
1. If you are not already a member of Southwell U3A but are interested in finding out more about these groups and/or would like to attend one of their group meetings please click on the Contact Us link and let us know which group you are interested in. We will arrange for the Group Leader to get in touch with you as soon as possible.
2. If you are already a member of Southwell U3A and are interested in joining either group you can contact the Group Leader directly. Their details are in the Group Leaderspage in our Membership Area of the website. As a Southwell U3A member you will have received the password for the Members Area pages in Newsline. If you have forgotten the password please use the Contact Usfacility on this website to request the password.