This group's members, led by group leader Jill, have (relatively) some expertise in drawing, but encourage each other to continually improve. The Drawing Group meets at the Leader's home in Southwell between 10.00am and 12.00 noon on the first Thursday of each month.
The aim is to learn to see, to see what is there, and to record it truthfully. There is no drawing from photographs. People are encouraged to experiment with different materials. The collection of drawings and books within the house are useful learning tools.
Our group can accept new members who already have some experience: If you are new to drawing, or relatively new, Tom's "Drawing for Beginners" is likely to be a supportive way in.
Think you might be interested in joining this group?
1. If you are not already a member of Southwell U3A but are interested in finding out more about this group and/or would like to attend one of their group meetings please click on the Contact Us link and let us know. We will arrange for the Group Leader to get in touch with you as soon as possible.
2. If you are already a member of Southwell U3A and are interested in joining this group you can contact the Group Leader directly. Their details are in the Group Leaderspage in our Membership Area of the website. As a Southwell U3A member you will have received the password for the Members Area pages in Newsline. If you have forgotten the password please use the Contact Usfacility on this website to request the password