Welcome to the Family History Group webpage. Here you will find a little information about what we do and when we do it!
Family History (sometimes called ‘Genealogy’) is all about finding out about our personal history. It’s much more than just finding out the names of our ancestors. That is often the easy bit, but if we can find out about their lives – where they lived, what they did and more - then our ancestors start to come alive.
You’ve probably watched television programs such as ‘Who Do You Think You Are’ where illustrious ancestors often come to the fore. Most of us, though, have more humble backgrounds. But that does not remove the satisfaction of knowing a little more about where we come from. Even agricultural labourers (Ag Labs in the jargon) sometimes led surprisingly interesting lives.
The Southwell U3A Family History Group seeks to help members in their quest to find out more about their families. We currently do this through meetings and visits. Our meetings are held monthly (usually on the third Monday of the month) in the downstairs meeting room in Southwell Library. We start at 2.00 pm and aim to be no longer than 2 hours.
Our meetings take a number of forms - from presentations on a particular topic (such as using Census data), round table discussions where members talk about something of special interest from their research, and sometimes visits (we have had a splendid presentation and tour at the Nottingham Archives).
If you would like to know more, please contact our Group Leader (Martin) and he will be very happy to provide more information about upcoming meetings. It doesn’t matter how experienced you are – we are all there to help each other and the present group includes people at all stages in their journey through time!
We are indebted to the late Roger Hancock who, with considerable genealogical expertise, steered family history research within the Southwell U3A for many years. Roger ran 3 groups (for beginners, for those with more experience, and for those with an interest in DNA). However, we have now amalgamated these into a single group which is working very well. Do get in touch with us – and we look forward to welcoming you to our very friendly and informative meetings. As a tribute to Roger, his 2020 Programme is shown below.
Think you might be interested in joining this group?
1. If you are not already a member of Southwell U3A but are interested in finding out more about this group and/or would like to attend one of their group meetings please click on the Contact Us link and let us know. We will arrange for the Group Leader to get in touch with you as soon as possible.
2. If you are already a member of Southwell U3A and are interested in joining this group you can contact the Group Leader directly. Martin's details are in the Group Leaderspage in our Membership Area of the website. As a Southwell U3A member you will have received the password for the Members Area pages in Newsline. If you have forgotten the password please use the Contact Usfacility on this website to request the password