Several of us are enjoying reading books that are directly or indirectly related to "Geopolitics". Here are some that have lit our fires so much that we have mentioned them to our group:
Erin Littenken, The Memory Keeper of Kyiv, Boldwood, ISBN 978-1-80426-959-6. Only the 2nd book in my life that has gripped me so firmly that I have stayed up all night and read in a single non-stop long sitting. A topical novel but based on historical research and the reality of the 1932-33 Holodomor… riveting and powerful (my words!). I recommend it to you. Reviews include “The most powerful, important historical novel of 2022” . It underscores just why the Ukrainians are fighting so hard, knowing the genocide of their nation is the price if they lose. (RL)
Tim Marshall, Prisoners of Geography, Elliot & Thompson, London, ISBN 978 1 78396 2433 An excellent and readable starting point for understanding how geography directly shapes politics and explains history. Tim Marshall, The Power of Geography, Elliot & Thompson, London, ISBN 978 1 78396 6028 This adds to "Prisoners" by describing more countries (including the UK), explains the choices for the Middle East and explores major potential flashpoints. It ends with a gripping description of how "Space" is fast becoming the next and perhaps decisive, battlefield. A "must read" book.
Hans Rosling et al, Factfulness, Sceptre, London, 2018, ISBN 978 1 473 63749 8: Inspiring, optimistic and uplifting, and reminds us to rely on facts and statistics, not on preconceived ideas.
Mark E Thomas, 99%: How We've Been Screwed and How to Fight Back, Apollo 2020, ISBN 978-1789544510:With good justification a Financial Times "Book of the Year" . A very readable, clear explanation of how and why we are all becoming more impoverished, placing the very future of our civilisation at risk - and gives ideas for what we can do about this unhappy path.
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