Click unto_us_recorders.wav, for a recording of "Unto us a child is born" (16Mb WAV file) recorded by us "socially distanced" during Covid Lockdown, and then magically combined electronically
Playing at the Southwell U3A Open Day, August 2021
About our group:
Our Recorder Group was formed in 2016: Several of our founder members were new to the recorder, and others were "returners", in some cases returning fifty or more years after leaving primary school! Very few were life-long recorder players (and would not admit to being "experts") yet between us we have the ability to make an impressive multi-part rich sound! By the start of "Lockdown" we had gradually expanded to 20 members, with skill levels ranging from "beginner" and "improver" upwards. Since Covid we have rebuilt our numbers and now have over 20 members playing almost the full range of recorders, from the huge contra-bass and great-bass, right through the bass, tenor, treble, alto and descant recorders, to occasional contributions from the even smaller sopranino & squeak from the tiny Garklein (sopranissimo).
Our Music:
We aim to play music which we like, music which will help us to improve our playing, and a range that helps us play a range of styles and techniques.
Our music is chosen and arranged to suit differing musical interests and abilities. It ranges from Tudor times through to modern popular music and new pieces written or arranged for us. Dance tunes, folk songs, popular modern tunes, carols and more serious music are all in the mix, and with several of us becoming quite capable arrangers, much of our repertoire is music requested by our own members and arranged "in house". Whilst most of our repertoire so far has been whole-group arrangements, we have music available for a range of smaller groupings including rounds, duets, trios and quartets. Several of us play solo or small consort pieces suited to mood and occasion.
We have played several times at the main Southwell U3A monthly meetings, and in December 2017 we played in the “Carols for Everyone” concert in Southwell Minster. We have played carols for small groups, seasonal selections for summer garden parties, and a wider range of repertoire for other indoor and outdoor events. In March 2020, just before "Covid Lockdown", we staged a complete concert for friends and supporters at Edingley in celebration of completing four years of playing together. Post-Lockdown, several of us played for the Southwell U3A Open Day, August 2021 and 2022 (see the picture above), and the 2021 and 2022 SU3A Christmas events(see below). We also produce a concert annually for our friends and family, most recently in November 2022, October 2023 and October 2024.
Now we have rebuilt our numbers, playing standard and repertoire to pre-Covid levels, we are once again able to play at more events: Autumn 2023 included a "Concert for Friends and Family" , a slot at Southwell u3a Christmas Meeting, and performance of a Christmas selection of music at Southwell Minster. In June 2024 we enjoyed a "Play Day" with over 50 recorder players from Newark, Retford and West Wolds u3a Recorder Groups, (quite an impressive sound!) and we look forward to hosting a similar event in 2025.
Meeting Details:
We normally meet at least twice each month, usually on the first, third and fifth Wednesdays, from 2.30 pm to 4.30 pm, in the beautifully restored, warm and welcoming Old School Room at Edingley, NG22 8BE (between the Old Reindeer Pub and St Giles' Church, see map below). This provides ample on-site parking facilities behind the building, full disabled access and good acoustics. There is a small charge for membership of the Group to cover room hire and music costs.
New Members: For anyone looking for a new interest or rekindling past abilities, we are now welcoming new members, whatever their level of recorder ability from total beginner upwards.
Learning to Read Music and/or Play the Recorder?
For a total beginner the main needs are to have reasonably nimble hands, plus a willingness to be taught how to play a recorder and how to read music (the treble or bass clef) if this is not already one of your skills.
Free coaching/tuition is offered for beginners, improvers and "returners". Free instrument loan is also available, providing a low-cost and low-stress introduction to what we have to offer.
Group Leader: Ian Boothroyd
Think you might be interested in joining this group?
1. If you are not already a member of Southwell U3A but are interested in finding out more about these groups and/or would like to attend one of their group meetings please click on this Contact Us link and let us know which group you are interested in. We will arrange for the Group Leader to get in touch with you as soon as possible.
2. If you are already a member of Southwell U3A and are interested in joining either group you can contact the Group Leader directly. Their details are in the Group Leaderspage in our Membership Area of the website. As a Southwell U3A member you will have received the password for the Members Area pages in Newsline. If you have forgotten the password please use the Contact Usfacility on this website to request the password.